Yoga For Cats

A no-kill pet facility in Illinois, Homeward Bound Pet Shelter, has teamed up with a studio Yoga at Connie’s for special classes featuring adoptable adult cats that are allowed to walk around freely during the sessions. I wish my yoga studio had cats, I think I would have gone to class more often!

cats, yoga, yoga class with cats, Homeward Bound Pet shelter, Illinois, cat adoptions, new ways to promote cat adoption, Yoga studio opens doors to adoptable cats.

All Images from Homeward Bound Pet Shelter on Facebook

cats, yoga, yoga class with cats, Homeward Bound Pet shelter, Illinois, cat adoptions, new ways to promote cat adoption, Yoga studio opens doors to adoptable cats.

A total of six cats roamed, stretched, snuggled and distracted during the class in which human participants raised over $500 for the shelter. The innovative adoption event also resulted in at least one of the cats finding a forever home.

cats, yoga, yoga class with cats, Homeward Bound Pet shelter, Illinois, cat adoptions, new ways to promote cat adoption, Yoga studio opens doors to adoptable cats.

Shelter volunteers who put together the event tell The Dodo that giving people the chance to interact with the cats makes a huge difference and that they plan on having more yoga cat classes. They also hope that other cities will explore this unique way to place shelter cats into permanent homes.

If you want to give yoga a try at home with your own cat check out Feline Yogi, one of the vendors I saw at CatConLA. They sell kitty sized yoga mats so your cat can “practice” yoga right alongside you.

Feline Yogi, The Yoga cat mat toy,cats, yoga, yoga class with cats, Homeward Bound Pet shelter, Illinois, cat adoptions, new ways to promote cat adoption, Yoga studio opens doors to adoptable cats.