Future Cats

Reconstructing what prehistoric big cats looked like, and to some extent how they lived, often relies on fossils finds that researchers and scientists use to piece together the past, but what if we wanted a glimpse into the distant future of big cats instead?

Cats, Future Cats, Nat Geo Wild, Tigers, Lions, Leopards, Jaguars, Cheetahs, Big Cat Evolution, the future of big cats, predidicting the future of big cats, will big cats survive, save big cats, save lions, extinction of big cats

From the past –  CGI recreates the famous Sabertooth cat confronted by the first humans. Image – Nat Geo WILD/National Geographic Channels

Future Cat by Nat Geo WILD has given us that glimpse by taking a different approach, using cutting-edge special effects, and creating new worlds with ‘evolved’ big cats to go along with them. The show examines how today’s Lions, Tigers, Jaguars and Leopards would live in drastically changed environments complete with ice, desserts, floods and shifting continents that could possibly have African, Asian and North America cats fighting for survival.

Cats, Future Cats, Nat Geo Wild, Tigers, Lions, Leopards, Jaguars, Cheetahs, Big Cat Evolution, the future of big cats, predidicting the future of big cats, will big cats survive, save big cats, save lions, extinction of big cats

CGI: The four big cats, Lions, Tigers, Jaguars, Leopards perched high above on a mountain. Image – Nat Geo Wild/National Geographic Channel

Although the show is pure fantasy with the help of CGI and imagination it manages to address some real questions of how big cats will adapt to a future earth with extreme climate changes.

Future Cat also touches on the present and how the perfect predator has inspired researchers in the lab to create a ‘robotic cat’ like the one at MIT which mimics the running of the cheetah.

Cats, Future Cats, Nat Geo Wild, Tigers, Lions, Leopards, Jaguars, Cheetahs, Big Cat Evolution, the future of big cats, predidicting the future of big cats, will big cats survive, save big cats, save lions, extinction of big cats

CGI: A futuristic robot cat stands in the rubble of Fukushima waiting to begin a search and rescue mission – Image Nat Geo Wild/National Geographic Channels

Big cats have been around for millions of years, they are highly adaptable and have survived some of the earth’s most extreme challenges. Researchers acknowledge that there is really nothing quit like them and that they will never be able to be completely replicated. Once big cats are gone, they are gone for good.

What does the future hold for the big cats? At present that is something only humans can answer, their future remains in our hands. Big cats have survived almost everything nature has thrown at them up until this point, however the greatest threat they face is still from us.

Future Cat has aired on Nat Geo WILD, however you can watch the show in it’s entirety here on dailymotion

Cats, Future Cats, Nat Geo Wild, Tigers, Lions, Leopards, Jaguars, Cheetahs, Big Cat Evolution, the future of big cats, predidicting the future of big cats, will big cats survive, save big cats, save lions, extinction of big cats

A future cat watches as comets streak through the night sky. What does Mother Nature have in store? Image – Nat Geo WILD/National Geographic Channels

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